GlobalSign Domain SSL Wildcard

$849.00/yr. Go to Store

GlobalSign Wildcard Certificate is a great solution for those enterprises that wants a cost-effective solution for their subdomains security. Whether you want to secure non-www or www domains, both can be secure with this wildcard SSL, which is issued on an FQDN. Different features like clickable site seal, SHA-256 encryption, 2048-bit RSA key, also make it more favorable compared to other wildcard certificates. GlobalSign DomainSSL Wildcard is SEO friendly; hence, helps in boosting ranking in search engine. Moreover, the certificate comes with the domain validation process that does not require documents for business verification, and the certificate can be issued within a few minutes. You will have $10,000 warranty assurance in case of any mis-issuance of a certificate and 99% browser compatibility with this certificate.

Features & Specification

Certificate Authority
Supported Algorithm SHA-2 Enabled
SEO Benefit Boosts Google Ranking
Validation Type Domain
Issuance Time In a Few Minutes
CSR Encryption 2048-bit
SSL Encryption Up to 256-bit
Domains Secured Unlimited Subdomains
SAN Support yes
Free Site Seal yes
Server Licenses Unlimited
SSL Re-issuance Unlimited
Browser & Mobile compatibility 99.9%
Warranty $10,000 USD
Refund Policy 30 Days Money Back

Why To Choose?

Key features help to make the buying decision easy
single cost

Single Cost

No need to spend extra cost for adding subdomains as you can secure first level of all subdomains under main domain. A single cost of wildcard allows to expand subdomains security pointing to a main domain during certificate lifecycle.
ecc support

ECC Support

Modern ECC support that is faster algorithm than RSA & it is hard to break as well provides secured transactions. ECC is strong algorithm that is created from the properties of elliptic curve equation instead of traditional method.
universal support

Universal Support

Almost browser, OS & server will trust certificate & offer smooth browsing experience by keeping warning away. It will indirectly enhance customer’s confidence to click on website as a result, more clickthrough conversion.
10,000 usd warranty

$10,000 USD Warranty

$10,000 USD extra warranty if there is loss occurred due to wrongly issued certificate by CA. There will be monetary & online security both will be covered with this certificate and adds an extra assurance to customers.
no paperwork

No Paperwork

Domain validation can be done in few minutes as no need to collect business related documents. Business owner can immediately show to customers that the website is ready to accept online transactions in a secured way.
site seal

Site Seal

Clickable site seal that shows organization’s details to give confidence to browse a website. Customers easily get attracted with site seal & without worry would like to do online transactions on the website.