GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard

$268.00/yr. Go to Store

GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard secure your primary domain and unlimited subdomains under the domain validation process. Besides, encryption there are different features that attract organizations to purchase QuickSSL Premium Wildcard SSL. With auto authentication and issuance, it will not take much time in issuance. SMBs can secure the number of subdomains and add few subdomains also at later during the certificate life cycle. When you think of Google search engine ranking, you cannot ignore the SSL certificate because it would work as a ranking booster. Besides, it also supports SAN facility that allows multi-level subdomains, so you do not need to purchase an individual certificate for second-level subdomain’s protection. You will have security for both www and non-www versions of your primary domain.

Features & Specification

Certificate Authority
Supported Algorithm SHA-2 Enabled
SEO Benefit Boosts Google Ranking
Validation Type Domain
Issuance Time 5 Minutes or Less
CSR Encryption 2048-bit
SSL Encryption Up to 256-bit
Domains Secured Unlimited Subdomains
SAN Support yes
Free Site Seal yes
Server Licenses Unlimited
SSL Re-issuance Unlimited
Browser & Mobile compatibility 99%
Warranty $500,000 USD
Refund Policy 30 Days Money Back

Why To Choose?

Key features help to make the buying decision easy
quick protection

Quick Protection

With domain validation, no need to wait long to receive the certificate, it takes few minutes in issuance. A quick protection can be guaranteed with this certificate hence, site holder can start business in a secure manner.
www & non www domains

WWW & non-WWW Domains

No need to purchase different SSL for www and non-www domain protection. It secures both versions. Users will not face any SSL warning arise due to typing non-www domain instead of www prefix domain name.
multi level subdomains

Multi-Level Subdomains

Different level of subdomains security like, possible by paying extra amount. No need to purchase individual certificate and get enhanced security experience for subdomains.
cost efficient


Being a cost-efficient, it is popular in SMBs thus the goal of making internet world safe can be achieved. It saves you from keeping multiple wildcard certificate for diverse level subdomains plus a low price is an addon.
500,000 usd warranty

$500,000 USD Warranty

In case of certificate mis-issuance, GeoTrust will give $500,000 warranty amount for an additional security. No need to fear about data theft as a warranty will work as a confidence booster for site owners and customers.
unlimited server licenses

Unlimited Server Licenses

Same Wildcard certificate can be installed on multiple severs where subdomains are running. For remote servers set up in different countries, this quickssl wildcard will seamlessly work on all servers.