Gandi Pro Wildcard SSL
$340.00/yr. Go to Store

Gandi Pro Wildcard SSL certificate is an organization validation SSL that protects subdomains like,, with robust encryption of 256-bit and 2048-bit RSA private key. Cyber intruders will not be able to breach the online data transfer between the server and the browser. It will not secure sub-sub domains like *.* but protects all first-level subdomains under the primary domain. Besides, if you are concerned about browser compatibility, google ranking or free site seal, all these features will be included in this certificate. Business validation provides your website with new security and an assurance level that your customers recognize easily and get assurance for their secured online transactions.

Features & Specification

Certificate Authority
Supported Algorithm SHA-2 Enabled
SEO Benefit Boosts Google Ranking
Validation Type Domain + Business
Issuance Time 1 to 2 Business Days
CSR Encryption 2048-bit
SSL Encryption 256-bit
Domains Secured Unlimited Subdomains
SAN Support no
Free Site Seal yes
Server Licenses Unlimited
SSL Re-issuance Unlimited
Browser & Mobile compatibility 99.9%
Warranty Up to $250,000 USD
Refund Policy 30 Days Money Back

Why To Choose?

Key features help to make the buying decision easy
business validation

Business Validation

Prove the authenticity of your business over the web with Business Validation Certificate and create your business identity over the web showing your customers that you have taken their security very seriously.
highest encryption

Strong Encryption

Gandi Pro Wildcard SSL makes the data between the server & the browser secure and protects against eavesdropping. Customers will feel secure on your website when their data is protected with robust encryption.
browser compatibility

Browser Compatibility

This Wildcard SSL Certificate provides 99% compatibility with almost all the servers, OS and other browser without any SSL errors so your customers won’t receive any SSL warnings and they can browse the domain seamlessly.
accented domains

Accented Domains

With this wildcard certificate you will be provided with Internationalized domain name (IDN) that many providers do not provide. Such domains with special characters will be more secured with strong encryption.
unlimited server licenses

Unlimited Server Licenses

Unlimited server licenses will allow you to install the same SSL cert on different servers. If you are operating remote servers and want a single wildcard certificate for your subdomains, then this certificate is for you.
refund policy

Refund Policy

If you are not satisfied with the certificate within 30 days you can ask for refund. The certificate authority believes in the transparency policy in case of returning purchase amount to the customer.