AlphaSSL Wildcard Certificate

$149.00/yr. Go to Store

Is your website secure from the risk of non-secure? Are you in search of an SSL certificate that allows security for your main domain and subdomains? If yes, then AlphaSSL Wildcard certificate can remove this risk by enabling strong online security on your website. It is the cheapest wildcard certificate, equipped with many features including 256-bit encryption and 2048-bit CSR encryption provide a secure connection between the server and a user’s browser. With this certificate, you will enjoy flawless security on your first level subdomains. As well you do not need to add subdomains individually once you install the certificate on your server. It will be simplified management of your certificate without any hassle.

Features & Specification

Certificate Authority
Supported Algorithm SHA-2 Enabled
SEO Benefit Boosts Google Ranking
Validation Type Domain
Issuance Time 3 Minutes Or Less
CSR Encryption 2048-bit
SSL Encryption Up to 256-bit
Domains Secured Unlimited Subdomains
SAN Support no
Free Site Seal yes
Server Licenses Unlimited
SSL Re-issuance Unlimited During Certificate Lifespan
Browser & Mobile compatibility 99%
Warranty $10,000 USD
Refund Policy 7 Days Money Back

Why To Choose AlphaSSL Wildcard?

Key features help to make the buying decision easy
256-bit encryption strength

256-bit Encryption Strength

Encryption is the cornerstone technology that encodes transfer of online data between the server & the browser. You will get 256-bit RSA encryption and 2048-bit CSR encryption that makes online transactions smoother.
instant issuance

Instant Issuance

Wildcard certificate of AlphaSSL can be issued immediately without waiting for days via Domain validation process. It is a hassle-free process of getting a certificate without needing organization registration documents.
clickable secure site seal

Clickable Site Seal

Show the world that you take trust seriously as it comes with a clickable site seal that your visitors can recognize. Customers can click on the seal to verify certificate’s details, which in the end increase site’s credibility.
browser compatibility

Full Browser & Mobile Support

It brings the highest 99.9% compatibility for almost browsers as well mobile devices mean no more SSL warnings. It means the highest compatibility offers the highest satisfaction to visitors and positive impression of a site.
24/7 online support

24/7 Online Ordering

UST or EST. No matter when you want an SSL certificate, AlphaSSL’s 24/7 service will be available. Now, it becomes to solve your queries easily at any time with perfect solution with Alpha Wildcard.
unlimited server licensing

Unlimited Server Licensing

As long as this Wildcard certificate is valid, you can install it in any number of servers to secure subdomains. Access different servers from different locations but with a single wildcard certificate. What’s more you want.